Smart = Slow Fashion
Recognising the need is the primary condition for design.
Charles Eames
Last week Susana Nakatani was invited to participate in the Madrid Sustainable Fashion week. The invitation came from the organisers: The Circular project and Slow Fashion World. The theme in this edition was Smart fashion, Slow Fashion and sustainability. We were thrilled to be part of it!
This exciting week started on the 22nd January with a sustainable Fashion exhibition in central Madrid. The exhibition was thought around the UN Sustainable Development Goals, each garment representing one of the 17 goals.
We represented the number 16: peace, justice and strong institutions. The garment we chose was our Angel dress. This dress is handmade using leftover cotton gabardine and has a very significative name as it is inspired by family and love. This and other designs are available in our store!

By Susana Nakatani
I offer you peace.
I offer you love.
I offer you friendship.
I see your beauty. I hear your need.
I feel your feelings.
My wisdom flows from the highest Source.
I salute that Source in you.
Let us work together.
For unity and peace.
Mahatma Gandhi
One of the highlights of the Sustainable Fashion week was the 27th January. A full day of panels about Smart fashion and sustainability was held at the concept store El Paracaidista

Angel Dress by Susana Nakatani

Sustainable Development Goals Exhibit
We are change-makers for the International platform Slow Fashion World. Its founder Mariel Jumpa proposed us to join her to talk about smart fashion and sustainability so we were thrilled to share with all the attendees the future of fashion. From the exciting project of Cédric Vanhock for Jointechnix and Rodrigo Müller and the first documentary about South America’s sustainable fashion, to the challenges of creators and the risks of drifting the focus away from people and community. We shared our passion and views and we connected with Cédric in the French Alps and Rodrigo in Brazil. We truly experienced the beauty of technology and the power of how far we can go when we unite forces and work for a common goal.

Mariel Jumpa, Slow Fashion World founder + Susana Nakatani

Paloma García founder of The Circular project wearing Nakatani. Pic by C. Fresneda

Smart Fashion + Sustainability

Live from Brazil, filmaker Rodrigo Müller
The day was fascinating with speakers from different horizons: From Designer Sylvia Calvo talking about Circular Economy to Yunaira Mendez who shared her knowledge of smart materials to the ending round table with Greenpeace, Oxfam, The Circular Project and Ecoalf. This round table was moderted by Carlos Fresneda from the newspaper El Mundo and Paloma Garcia, founder of The Circular Project.