How to make a tie

How to make a tie

necktieSewing has been always a hobby. At first I was sewing for my dolls and with the time I started sewing for myself: dresses, skirts, trousers… After a while it became more than a hobby and my curiosity led me to try other fields like lingerie or menswear. And eventually all this led me to make my first tie.

I always thought that the most difficult pieces to make were men’s clothes. I also feared that I would probably never be enough experienced to make them. Well, I was wrong!

My first project was a men’s shirt. Menswear is complicated. The details are very important very visible. That means that you have to be very meticulous. At the same time, doing menswear is the best way to improve you sewing skills, fitting skills and patience.

After the shirt, my next goal was men’s accessories and the result was amazing. Would you like to learn how to make a tie? below you will find a simple tutorial.

Are you ready?

Before we start, I will point out that below you will find the instructions to draw you pattern and some easy guide to sew your own tie. It is really easy! but if you don’t have much time or energy you can find the downloadable pattern and the instructions on my Etsy Store. Now, let’s get started!

A tie with my own patterns

For me a tie means elegance. Far from seeing it as a way to show one’s social status or job, I consider ties as a timeless item that always makes me of the1920’s elegant men the .
When I came up with the idea of making a tie, I tried to get some patterns from somewhere. It seems that a tie it is not the most popular thing to sew, so I had to come up with a plan B.

I took an old tie, cut it into pieces and created the pattern from that.

As you can see, the tie pattern will consist of 3 pieces ( it is blue fabric in the picture above) plus the lining. Because this was my first tie ever, I decided to do it as easier and simpler as possible so the fabric pieces will be the same for the fabric and the lining.

The Patterns

Since the most trendy and flattering neck ties at the moment are the skinny ones, that is the pattern I decided to do. If you want to go for a wider tie, you can modify the pattern by adding just a few inches/centimetres.

Remember that  I am based in Europe so this tutorial is in centimetres but you can see the inches equivalence by using an online converter.

As I previously mentioned, if you think that drawing the pattern yourself or following these instructions is too complicated, check Susana Nakatani Etsy Store where you can find a downloadable tutorial and pattern or you can buy the paper version that will be sent by post to your home.

Drawing the pattern

In case you don’t want to destroy your boyfriend or husband’s tie, here are some little drawings you can follow to draw your tie.

Cutting the fabric

We are going to work with fabric, lining and interfacing* . In this case, I decided to ignore the interfacing just to make it easier. In the picture below you can see that the grey/blue fabric corresponds to the fabic and the coral is the lining (exact same pattern for both).

*Interfacing is a textile used on the unseen or “wrong” side of fabrics to make an area of a garment more rigid. They can be used to stiffen or add body to fabric, such as the interfacing used in shirt collars. Source: Wikipedia

Place each piece on the bias of the fabric, this is very important. To help yourself, when you draw the pattern you can draw a line guide for it.

The bias is the same as a 45 degrees angle from the grain. You have to place that way both the lining and the fabric. For the Interfacing the placement is not important since it has no grain.

Ready to sew

We have all the parts ready so it is time to put  them together.

If you decided to add interfacing, the first step is to fuse the interfacing to the inside of the fabric pieces.

Secondly, we start assembling the 3 pieces of fabric by sewing the edges  with a half centimeter seam allowance (Let the corners hang off the edge a bit in order to assemble it correctly). Do the same with the lining.

Now it is time to sew together the fabric and the lining. After reading a bit on the internet I found an easy solution. I put together the pointy sides of the lining and the fabric and sew the top and the bottom ( letting the sides open) and once done, I turn it inside out.

As you can see in the picture, the next step is to fold 1 centimetre the long of the whole tie ( both sides)and press it gently. When pressing a tie, try do do it gently since it will look too flat and not beautiful if you iron it hard.
Once done, I fold both sides until they meet in the middle. Don’t forget to iron it as well.


The tie is almost ready. All you have to do now is to hand sew the central seam. I recommend you to use a ladder stitch or a blind stich.

As you can see, it is not complicated. You just need to be a bit meticulous and it can be the perfect present for your dad, husband, friends or even your kids if you adapt the length of the pattern.

The pattern and more detailed instructions are available for sale in my Etsy Store Susana Nakatani and in the link below. This is perfect for those of you that are novice or simply don’t have the time to go through all the process. You are also welcome to contact me if you have any questions


30 Responses to “How to make a tie

  • Me gusto bastante.

    10 years ago


  • sandra yvonne
    10 years ago

    hola me gustaría tener los patrones de la corbata siempre he querido hacer una

    • Susana Nakatani
      10 years ago

      Hola Sandra,

      gracias por tu interés y tu comentario. Los patrones de la corbata son muy sencillos y para dibujarlos basta con que sigas las instruciones indicadas en el el blog. Si tienes alguna pregunta estaré encantada de ayudarte.


  • Hola, me encanta su lazo. se ve muy aseado.
    Estoy planeando hacer un lazo como regalo de San Valentín para mi novio.
    ¿Podría usted por favor hágamelo saber qué material que utilizó; o cualquier otro material de calidad que podría utilizar.

    espero que responda pronto. gracias

    • Susana Nakatani
      10 years ago


      Gracias por tu interés y por consultar mi blog. El material que utilicé fue simple algodón para la corbata y el forro puesto que fue la primera. En realidad se puede utilizar cualquier tela aunque si quieres una corbata de calidad yo te recomiendo seda y forro de acetato.
      Un saludo y si tienes mas preguntas estaré encantada de ayudarte.

  • Chelsea Levirs
    9 years ago

    Hello! I loved the tie, i have been looking for a pattern and i found yours, i would love to get your actual pattern 🙂

    Please let me know if you can help me out, Thank you!

    • Susana Nakatani
      9 years ago

      Hello Chelsea, thank you for passing by. I will contact you by email shortly so you will have that neck tie pattern soon.
      All the best,


  • Candace S
    9 years ago

    Hey! I love this pattern and how you explained everything. I have attempted to make the pattern myself by using your measurements, but for some reason I just can’t get it perfect. Is there anyway you can email me the pattern?

  • hola buen dia, me gustaria que me mandaras los patrones para poder hacer la corbata

  • muy buena tu idea de corbata siento que te falta perfeccionarla ya que hay detalles que saltan a la vista en los acabados y para el molde de corbata si quieres te puedo dar el trazo con medidas para su realización y puedas hacer algo mejor sigue haciendo este tipo de tutoriales solo susténtalo un poco mas.

    • Hola Patty,

      Gracias por tu comentario y tu interés. La idea de este tutorial es hacer una corbata para principiantes por eso tanto la idea como el patrón y la ejecución son básicos.
      No obstante sería interesante crear otro tutorial más completo para un nivel y resultados más avanzados. Si deseas colaborar no dudes en ponerte en conacto conmigo:

  • Hi! Thank you for instructions))) I am trying to do it myself, could you send me the pattern? I’ll be very thankful!

  • Idongesit
    9 years ago

    Hi. I love your tutorial. Thanks. Please can you send the pattern to me. Thanks

  • Hola! Me encanta tu tutorial, es bastante claro pero lo que no logro entender es cómo unes las tres partes al biés, podrías subir o mandarme fotos de eso o explicarme mas o menos?
    Es bastante urgente
    Muchas gracias y gran trabajo!

    • Buenos dias Candela,

      Gracias por tu interés y perdona que mi respuesta llegue con algo de retraso. No sé si tienes una larga experiencia con la costura pero intentaré ser lo mas clara y básica posible en mi explicación.Te enviaré en las próximas horas varias fotos por email con una explicación, espero que te sea útil.


  • Angie GREEN
    9 years ago

    Hello Susana
    I´m so thankful for your blog.

  • Samriddhi
    7 years ago

    Hi Susana,

    I loved the pattern and the way you have explained every step. After a lot of surfing I finally found your blog and it was really helpful. I tried making the pattern myself but it didn’t turn out so well. Will it be possible to get an actual pattern on mail? Please do let me know. Thanks 🙂

  • Kenneth R Shams
    4 years ago

    This is the best post where it is shown how easy it is to make a tie. Thank you very much Susana
    Kenneth Shams

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